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  re-destination church 

“the church in the middle - but detached from its central position

re-destination or additional destinations?

unnecessary monuments in a secular world,

or beacons in our collective consciousness

one-legged, bicot, crucifix or basilica

with dome, turn-around and choir closure?

just appropriate or rather overwhelmed?

an empty center or a crowded obstacle -

assembled or detached from the surrounding tissue

one-dimensional, centric,

hermetically closed or perishable?

bricks and pilasters, rib ceilings, tombs, infinite glass frames or rough concrete? 

sacral or prophane?

public, private or rather collective?

ambitious in plan or in section -

tempered, cool and dark or a symphonic light game?”

Sint-Jan-Bosco kerk, een kerk met een natuurlijke dualiteit in het grondplan. nu is de dualiteit compleet met de tweeledige herbestemming. Dualiteit binnen en buiten, gescheiden maar ook verenigd door één verlengde muur. Sacraal en profaan, samen in harmonie.

Sint-Jan-Bosco Church, a church with a natural duality in the floorplan. Now the duality is complete with the secondary destination. Duality inside and outside, seperated and brought together by one extended wall. Sacred and prophan together in harmony.




Karen Kesteloot, Sven Sterken

1st Master -  2nd Semester

Bon Boscoplein, 8820 Torhout

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